Name :   Kent Conover
Date :   December 15, 2002
URL :   
Comment :   You have folded a very comprehensive collection of modular origami creations. I enjoy browsing it to get ideas every time I visit. Please write a book!
Thank you.
Email Address :
Name :   Narong Krined
Date :   17/11/2002
Comment :   This is really the most interresting origami-page I`ve ever seen. Thank you! And I want fold paper same you.
Email Address :
Name :   Jon
Date :   11-3-02
URL :   
Comment :   Great stuff. Your awesome!!!!!!!!
Email Address :
Name :   Don Wilson
Date :   4 October 2002
URL :   
Comment :   I've seen your web pages several times over the past few years, and they're beautiful! You should win an award of some sort, I would think. I look forward to seeing it continue to expand in the future. And your colors are beautiful, along with your photos
Email Address :
Name :   Takeshi Kasumizu
Date :   October 3rd, 2002
Comment :   Love the site. Noticed some links in math and the miscellanious sections are broken. Hope you can fix. :(
Email Address :
Name :   Ajit
Date :   25th Sep 2002
URL :   
Comment :   I am fascinated by your name hence the visit to your page. I should say that it was a great tour. Good wishes to all of you
Email Address :
Name :   tina
Date :   08/29/02
URL :   
Comment :   love your page...there are soo many things to learn on this page...all the things u make is beautiful...and i was wondering if you can put more instructions on your page soo i can learn more new things....thanks you....
Email Address :
Name :   Anna K.
Date :   17.7.2002
URL :   
Comment :   This is really the most interresting origami-page I`ve ever seen. Thank you!
Email Address :   
Name :   Ulhas Shelke
Date :   05/23/2002
Comment :   Hi, you have done incredible job in your web site. Its really good to bring your known once together. I liked your family album the most. I was searching one of my friend and just surfed in to your website. Keep it up.
Email Address :
Name :   uma
Date :   apr23
URL :   
Comment :   great gallery of origami +3d shapes complicated to finish, but i'll defnt'ly try....
Email Address :
Name :   Sue
Date :   3/25/02
URL :   
Comment :   I liked your web page, very informative and well designed.
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Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   hey, i love your website!!! but your original kawasaki rose folding instructions doesn't seem to be working...pls restore it! i desperately need it...thanx!
Email Address :   
Name :   Chandana
Date :   March 13
Comment :   Someone in the origami group I am apart of suggested your site for modular folding. I am amazed by the complexety of the folding technique and entranced by the simple beauty they have. Well done...lovely site...I'll be back to visit often!!! : Cheers,
Email Address :
Name :   Sam
Date :   march,12/2002
URL :   
Comment :   your so good at folding paper, i wish i can fold like are very creative.....and your art is beatiful
Email Address :
Name :   pauline
Date :   3/3/02
URL :   
Comment :   i love all of your creations! i was just looking for simple instructions to refresh my memory on how to make a 12 unit sonobe, but instead i found much, much more. keep up the great work!
Email Address :   
Name :   Doris Lee
Date :   2/20/2002
URL :   
Comment :   I love your kimono doll art work! They are absolutely beautiful and pleasant to the eyes.
Email Address :   
Name :   Pam Froelich
Date :   2/18/02
URL :   
Comment :   Absolutely gorgeous art work!!! Breathtaking!!! Delightful!!!
Email Address :
Name :   MircoUlandi
Date :   07022002
URL :   
Comment :   good
Email Address :
Name :   Joy
Date :   1/26/02
URL :   
Comment :   Your art is very beautiful! I love it.
Email Address :
Name :   Mark Petrofsky
Date :   1/23/02
URL :   
Comment :   I found you through a unit origami search. It's wonderful. I am so grateful. Just on a whim I looked at your family photos, which are as joyous as your origami. Each one I have done has been a wonderful success. I am looking forward the rhomboids instruc
Email Address :
Name :   Shiv Gaur
Date :   7/01/02
URL :   
Comment :   Very well made site. Keep up the good work.
Email Address :
Name :   Ratul & Rohit
Date :   1/4/2002
URL :   
Comment :   Ma you are the best mom ever! You get creative ideas every day about origami. Love, Ratul. P.S. Rohit wrote: Hi Ma you are great! Love, Rohit
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