Name :   Saumya Adhikari
URL :   
Comment :   I entered this site again thru' google search.
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Name :   Mukul Mitra
URL :   
Comment :   It's really a good site. I liked it very much.
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Name :   Jimmy Robinson
URL :   
Comment :   hi meenakshi, i just recently became interested in modular origami and i folded the 12 unit polyhedron and the lucky 3-d star from your site. thanks for sharing. i enjoyed viewing your gallery as well.
Email Address :
Name :   Elizabeth Millan
URL :   
Comment :   Fantastic pages! I have loved origami since grade school and my love for mathematical origami has grown even more since I got to college. Looking at your work is a great inspiration to maybe someday create my own designs. I have enjoyed using some of your
Email Address :
Name :   Christian
Comment :   Hi I came to you webpage over the "ring of origami art". normally I don't like folding modular origami, but since I took a look onto your site, I will probably try it in the coming weeks. maybe you've proselytized me? ;o) So bye now, have a nice day
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Name :   Jeannine
URL :   
Comment :   I just found this site tonight. It looks like a lot of fun. I we send this to my friends. Thank you so very much for this
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Name :m
URL :   
Comment :   your site is the ultimate site for sonobe origami, and i know what i'm talking about because there are so many sites.... Well, keep on and thank you. PS: if u could put diagrams in adobe u'd be the ultimate best site of the universe. PS2: watching your
Email Address :
Name :   Evon
URL :   
Comment :   Hi Mm, You have a great work on Origami! Your site has ignite my interest in Origami, previously I just like to fold some birds, and now I wondering that the 3D effect and the color combinations of your pieces are indeed fantastic, I shall like to lea
Email Address :
Name :   Francis Ow
Comment :   Hi Meena, I can't remember how many times I ventured into your site. It's just real great - full of my favourite modulars. Francis Ow
Email Address :
Name :   Kelly Reed
URL :   
Comment :   I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your webpage. I only found it last week and I have been visiting it nearly every day. Thanks for the beautiful photos and the inspiration.
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Comment :   I love your web page, it has so much great photos and easy-to follow diagrams. Your page has inspired me to do origami all over again... Thanks so much
Email Address :
Name :   Dr. R. Padmanabhan
URL :   
Comment :   Your home page - especially the Origami section is excellent. I enjoy going through one by one whenever I get some free time. I have written a seperate e-mail to you. Nice work.
Email Address :
Name :   debbie soong
URL :   
Comment :   thank you for the diagram of xyz i like them
Email Address :
Name :   phanindra
Comment :   Nice page visit mine too
Email Address :
Name :   Sarah
Comment :   My name is Sarah and I found your Origami Mania website. I really liked it and found a lot of models I've done in the past on it. I think your site is one of the best about modular origami I've found so far! Thanks a ton!
Email Address :
Name :   Karin
URL :   
Comment :   I love the origami work here - I have bookmarked your site - I'll definitely revisit.
Email Address :
Name :   Jessica Mao
URL :   
Comment :   Hi! this is such an awesome site! i've always loved origami and this is the best site i've been to. I only found this site while searching for 3D shapes to do some homework..and it's just the BEST!!! I just LOVE it!!!
Email Address :
Name :   britto
URL :   
Comment :   Hi, I love the japanese dolls, send me some if you can ,, :-)
Email Address :
Name :   Juan G. Londoño J.
URL :   
Comment :   I have just hited today your "amazing" Portal in the modular origami page, as a friend send me your address. I do congratulate you for your delicate and beautiful website. Thank you very much for creating a place of peace and perfection.
Email Address :
Name :   David Mendez
URL :   
Comment :   What a beautiful collection you have! Thank you for sharing your work and interests. I actually visited your site in 1996 when it was much smaller than today's. I am so glad to see that there are still some tings about the internet that DO get better over
Email Address :
Name :   vishakha
URL :   
Comment :   hi meenakshi - i came across your website thru a search on google. your models look simply great - and there is such a wide range of kusudamas. thanks for sharing your origami work. do you ever attend OUSA conventions in new york? maybe we will meet there
Email Address :
Name :   Mary Lou Reichard
URL :   
Comment :   Such a beautiful site to visit. I have viewed it many times and always in awe. Carol Larson was a dear friend of mine, and know she corresponded with you. I visited her Mother and Dad recently and they showed us a lot of Carol's works. Carol sent me thing
Email Address :
Name :   Mercer Bonney
URL :   
Comment :   WONDERFULLY creative web site. Thank you so much. It has given me allot of inspiration. I am facinated with the unit origami. I marble both paper and fabric and have made some great boxes using the marbled fabric. ( I now wa
Email Address :
Name :   Manel
Date :   8/12/2001
URL :   
Comment :   Thanks for your origami work.
Email Address :
Name :   Lawrence
Date :   12-9-01
Comment :   WOW! I'm speechless. Thankx soooooo much for all your diagrams. I'm getting extra credit in my Geometry class, all thanx to you! Remember, whenever your felling down, that you helped a sad, lonely child put all hsi free time to use. :)
Email Address :
Name :   Paresh
Date :   Nandwani
Comment :   Good site.
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